Two years in May

Discussion in 'Coping After a Sudden Loss' started by Di68, Jan 7, 2021.

  1. Di68

    Di68 Member

    Hi everyone, I lost my husband in May of 2019. He took our boat out and never came home. They found the boat a mile down from the dock. We finally found him six days later. They ruled it accidental drowning. He was 50 years old. They advised me not to see him. It feels like he just left one day out of my life, boom, gone. I didn't get to say goodbye, I didn't get to see him one last time. I feel robbed and that life is incredibly cruel.
  2. RySe**

    RySe** New Member

    I am so sorry for your loss and you're right, life can be cruel. I hope that you find some comfort in love and memories you shared with your husband.
  3. Di68

    Di68 Member

    Thank you so much. Such a hard road to walk. Who did you lose? If you want to answer.
  4. RySe**

    RySe** New Member

    I hear you, it is the hardest journey in my life so far. I lost Ryan, my husband to cancer in July 2020, it was 6 months since he died yesterday and I thought I was okay but started self medicating with alcohol a few months ago. It doesn't help at all so I am learning to sit with my grief sober and move forward.
  5. Di68

    Di68 Member

    I understand completely. I have also been self medicating. I know exactly how you feel. I feel like I no longer know who I am. I'm so sorry about Ryan. It must have been horrible for you to watch him go through cancer. I am also a hospice nurse and have supported my patient's and their families through the disease. It's devastating. Give yourself time and don't let anyone tell you how you should grieve. Most people don't understand. They have good intentions and don't really know what to say. I'm glad to have met you.
  6. RySe**

    RySe** New Member

    Thank you for your message, it means a lot. You do know how devastating cancer can be for a patient and their families. Thank you for everything you do, it's so important and meaningful, the love and support you provide to patients and their families. I am so sorry you didn't get to say goodbye to your husband, that must have been so hard. I feel for you and here for a chat and support if I can provide it for you anytime. Glad to meet you too.