Lost and suicidal

Discussion in 'Loss of Spouse' started by Brian Hoy, Jan 10, 2019.

  1. Brian Hoy

    Brian Hoy Member

    Just need someone to talk to. My wife of 30 and high school sweetheart died a year ago and I can't live without her and don't know what to do
  2. griefic

    griefic Administrator Staff Member

    Brian, I'm so sorry for your loss and for all you're suffering. While I understand the language we choose to express the depths of the pain we're feeling, it's important that you know that we are not a crisis center, and we must take all suggestions of suicide very seriously. If you are in crisis, please visit the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org. They offer 24/7 live chat, text and phone support. Our site is designed to provide validation, comfort and support and there are others here who can relate to the difficulties in the days that follow the loss of a spouse. I hope you can find the help you need~
  3. Reremilz

    Reremilz New Member

    Hi Brian. I know what you're feeling and I don't have the words to take away your pain. I lost my husband Thanksgiving day in 2018. The worst day of my life! I didn't even know that there was a pain as intense and powerful as this. If you ever need to talk I'll listen. I hope you are feeling better today.
  4. Brian Hoy

    Brian Hoy Member

    Thank you so much for sending me a message . It actually helps just knowing that there's someone out there that really understands this agony. I know other people try to help and dont know what to say, but i think if 1 more person tells me I need to move on "" I might lose my mind"" . If you want to talk more, i would like that.
  5. KER

    KER Member

    Stay away from those who think you should "move on". They're poison to those of us in the throes of grief. I guess, in their defense, I should grant them some grace....because they aren't standing in our shoes. But they will someday. Then they'll have a better understanding of "moving on". There is no such thing. Instead, there's just "moving through", getting through each day one step at a time. I lost my son in 2016 and my husband this last July, four days short of our 45th wedding anniversary. I understand your feelings, because I'm walking in your shoes, Brian. I'm going to get through this day.....and then I'm going to try to get through tomorrow. And then the day after......Hang in there, Brian. There are no answers here....but there is a venue for sharing, a place to vent, a connection to those who feel the same way you're feeling. I wish you peace.