
Discussion in 'Loss of Spouse' started by Kay Bob, Nov 19, 2020.

  1. Kay Bob

    Kay Bob Member

    I loss my husband after70+years of togetherness.How do I adjust ?
  2. RLC

    RLC Well-Known Member

    Kay I am so sorry for your loss. Losing our life partners is a torture that no one should have to endure. I lost my husband suddenly 2 years ago. Life without him by my side is just so wrong. We did everything together including running a business, 44 years together. Life without our soul mates is hard to say the least. I find staying busy is what helps me the most. Doesn’t have to be big things, anything to keep your mind occupied. For me it was yard work. Being outside is what helps me the most. But as we come into winter it’s harder to find things that keep me busy. I do things that I feel honors Ron and that he would be proud of. He’s in my heart to stay, so I want him to be proud I’m his wife. I know staying busy is hard, but try to push yourself to do little things. I don’t know long ago you lost your husband, if it’s very resent, just getting out of bed and brushing your teeth is an accomplishment. Try to get fresh air, that’s very helpful, just sit on a bench or walk around your yard. It’s hard to do most things because we’re used to doing everything with our lost one. Baby steps and one day or one moment at a time. Visit this site often and read and share stories, it’s very helpful. Be good to yourself and remember to eat and drink water. You’re not alone, everyone here understands how you’re feeling.
    Sending you hugs!
  3. Dee Kay

    Dee Kay Active Member

    Very sorry for your loss Kay. Just day by day, step by step, even hour by hour is how I got through the first few months. I'm at close to 7 months now (we were together for 30 years) and I don't know how I did it. I could only do and think about the basics—wash myself, maybe make the bed, sometimes not, what to have for breakfast, what to have for lunch, plan a walk, then think about dinner and that took up most of my day with intermittent or constant crying depending on the day. I am working from home so it did help to have that to focus on but as soon as I'd get up from my office and go into the rest of the house I would lose it cuz he wasn't there. I believe the first few months are just utter shock, and with time the grief becomes less raw. Be gentle and kind to yourself just as your husband would do or want for you to do. I talk to my husband all the time, it's the only way I can get through this. Just know you're not alone, we're all here trying to make our way through, the support of others' stories and responses is what gets us to the next day, then the one after. My thoughts are with you.
  4. Barry

    Barry Well-Known Member

    Hi Kay. So sorry we're here. I lost my sweet wife Peg a little over a year ago. She died suddenly from a brain aneurysm. It was the worst day of my life. I'm so sorry for you. It's very early in your loss and at that stage I think you should just try to take care of yourself. Eat right, drink water, sleep, get out of the house. I hope you have some support family around you. The beginning is so hard. I can't even remember what I did for the first 2 months. I was in shock. Take one day at a time. Focus on your health. Grieving is so hard on you. Peace.