loss of my wife

Discussion in 'Loss of Spouse' started by JESSE KUGELMAN, Mar 22, 2019.



    On january 3 2019 my 2 daughters lives (age 12 and 15) and mine were flipped upside down. my wife of 15 years(together for 20) started complaining her heart was beating out of her chest and her arm was killing her then not even a minute later she was seizing, puking and breathing like a horse i called 911 and sent my youngest daughter to a neighbors house as she was flipping out watching this all (my oldest daughter was spending the night at a friends house) the er she had a blood cloth in her arm and got it out with heparin they sedated and intibated her to try and get her heart rate which was around 180bpm for hours they ran 2 ct scans and gave us a room the next morning they were sending her to get a mri and brought her out of sedation when they discovered she had stroked by that time she was in a locked in state she could only see and hear till the second night when she had another stroke i kept her on life support till her brothers on the east coast could fly and drive in to see her i took her off life support on january 13 and watched her die for 2 days in hospice. i have been a total wreck not a minute of the day goes by where i dont think about her i have to go visit her grave everyday i hardly get any sleep and when i do i wake up crying i try and stay strong in front of my girls whom in turn say theyre fine and wont go visit her grave with me anymore .life was going so well for us recently she just had a excellent 35th birthday good Christmas and for the first time in 10 years she had gotten new years eve off of work (she worked nights) even the night this all happened we went rollerskating with my youngest daughter and her friend ive been reading post on here for days and to everyone on here im genuinely sorry for loss your stories have helped me a little ive finally started back working a week ago after her 2 month mark thank you all for letting me tell my story hopefully it helps you or me as we feel the same pain

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  2. Dianne_311

    Dianne_311 New Member

    Sorry for your loss I lost my husband to an unexpected stroke. Literally a few weeks before your wife passed My children are older. These first few months are horrible. I feel for you because I know how hard this is.