Loss of my best friend.. My love.. My wife..windy

Discussion in 'Loss of Spouse' started by Michael beck, Jul 29, 2020.

  1. RLC

    RLC Well-Known Member

    You’re welcome. You’re a husband missing his other half. You’re grieving
    What’s funny is that Ron loved my red hair too. And he would lay my hair on his head so he had red hair.
    I miss him holding me, and taking care of me. I have RA, and he helped me with so many things. And he just stepped in and did things. He did it so naturally that no one even picked up on Robin’s having a rough day and in pain. I loved that, and miss that so much. Makes me cry just writing it, he’s my everything.
    But if we weren’t perfect for each other, Ron and I and you and Windy, then we wouldn’t feel this horrible pain. I’m thankful for what we had and would do it all over in a heart beat.
  2. Michael beck

    Michael beck Well-Known Member

    Yes thats true .. I rember telling windy when we was dating at first that she was going to be my qife and mine forever.. She only laughed then but haha.. I was rite in the end..
    We had aome bumps in the road but ahe stayed by my aide thru thick and then
  3. Michael beck

    Michael beck Well-Known Member

    There was not a thing I would not have done for windy or gotten her if it was within my power..
    I preyed to god to give me her pain and illness..
    I would have been happy to trade places with her..
    Ahe was such a giving person done anything she could for just about anybody
    She deserved more time..
    I preyed god woyld give her what time I have left and he take me instead
  4. RLC

    RLC Well-Known Member

    And that is why we hurt so much, why there’s so much pain. We found our perfect soul mates. Ron and and I knew immediately that we were meant to be together. After we were together a while we shared that we each knew very quickly we had met our perfect one and only.
  5. Michael beck

    Michael beck Well-Known Member

    Yes she was my perfect mate..and i told her so..
    ..we didnt aleays get along nobidy does ..
    But at the end of the day she really really was my soull mate