Loss of Grandmother and Father

Discussion in 'Dealing With Multiple Losses' started by Sherrie, Nov 16, 2018.

  1. Sherrie

    Sherrie New Member

    In January I lost my grandmother to a long battle with Alzheimer's. September 23rd 2018, I lost my father to cancer after only being diagnosed three weeks prior.
    These were two of the most important people in my life and I'm not coping well. It's the holiday season and the thought of them not being here makes me physically ill.
  2. griefic

    griefic Administrator Staff Member

    Sherrie, I am so sorry for these two very big losses. The first thing that I can tell you is that if you're not coping okay....that's okay. Of course none of us wants to feel sad or hopeless, and we feel that every day that passes we should be getting better and better. But in grief, it just doesn't seem to work that way. The triggers and the reminders are everywhere, and having to go through all the firsts (and often even the "seconds") can be so very hard. This is such a long and painful process. Longer than we'd ever think it could be and certainly more painful than we could ever imagine. Remember to take care of yourself in the days ahead. Remember that this year, the holidays are going to be very tough and you don't have to do anything you don't want, and you don't have to put on a happy face if that's not what you're feeling. I hope you can find some support and connection with those who may understand and I'm glad that you have found us. I wish you all the best~