I lost my only child.

Discussion in 'Loss of Adult Child' started by LeePam, Jan 28, 2019.

  1. LeePam

    LeePam New Member

    It's been almost a year since that horrible day. My daughter was only 35, married and had two boys. She told her husband she didn't feel right, next thing she falls to the floor. He calls for ambulance. When I get to the ER the nurses take me to a room and there's my Leeanna laying there with with machines hooked up to her. We find out she had a brain aneurysm and it's fatal. My baby girl....They kept her on life support since she was an organ donor. So on 2/17/2018 my daughter died and my world has been ripped apart.
  2. AdriaStar

    AdriaStar Active Member

    Hi LeePam
    I'm so sorry for your pain. My son passed away March 8 2018 and I'm coming up on the first year anniversary too. He just turned 39. I can't imagine how awful for you losing your only child. I don't really have any words, just to give big virtual hug and know you're being heard. Also have you heard of Compassionate Friends? It's a grief group for people who have lost their children.
    If you want to tell me about your daughter, I'd love to hear about her....
    griefic likes this.
  3. Mary Steele

    Mary Steele New Member

    Words offered by strangers won't help much, I know. Just know we are out there, we understand, we have been there. You need to talk about her? It is hard for me to find people who think it is okay to talk about her. But it is. So if you need to talk, to remember all the joy, all the funny things, even the times as a teenager when you wanted to wring her neck; I am here. I will listen.
    griefic likes this.
  4. More Grace

    More Grace New Member

    Hi Lee Pam! I feel your pain. I just lost my only son 38 to cancer a week ago. He was my miracle child the doctors said I couldn't have. My guilt is eating me alive. I'm second guessing the decisions I made prior to. Please know that I share your grief. There's no pain like this. I've had a lot of different pain. So be encouraged. God cares. I just told Him I need more Grace. I'll ask for dome for you too. God BLESS