Gnawing pain deep in heart. Visiting resting place.

Discussion in 'Finding it Difficult to Move Foward' started by Charleesgrace, Jun 23, 2020.

  1. Charleesgrace

    Charleesgrace New Member

    I've been going to my husband's resting place more frequently. I'm so glad we chose the perfect place. I've been going right before sundown . Clean off his spot, and tell him a little about my day. Today I took him a Patriotic floral display with the American flag. We always had a flag flying on deck. It's still flying.
    The other day the storm beat me there and I just sat in car and sobbed. I think it's helping me heal or get better acquainted with my new normal. Even though I have this deep painful gnawing everytime I go. Makes me happy for his place to be pretty.
    I never knew how bad this aloneness would feel. You know what's coming but your Heart just can't be convinced. Will forever miss the man I married and lived w for 43 years. Life is different.
    Love you honey. Happy 4th July coming up.
  2. Sweetcole

    Sweetcole Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry for your loss. You're brave and strong so you'll get through this with time. I say you are brave and strong because I couldnt visit my fiancee's resting place that often. You have the pain yet you still go. That shows your strength. It hurts me too bad. You're right you no death is a part of life but it doesn't help. I lost my fiancee a few months and I wasnt ready for this. Life is definitely different. I met the man I was ready to raise our kids with and spent forever with only to lose him. This is what my life is going to be like though and like you I'm trying to adjust to it.i pray that we have the strength to get through this. Have a good night. I'm here if you need to talk.
  3. karenfd

    karenfd Member

    I am so sorry for your loss. I know it is not the same as losing my spouse, as I lost my father. I go to the cemetery, put down a tarp, and a blanket and bundle myself up, and sit down, and I talk to him. It has helped me immensely. I think it helps with the grieving process and I feel if it helping you.
  4. Sheila512

    Sheila512 Well-Known Member

    I don't go to the cemetery often but I have my honey's picture on my screen saver. He is smiling and I talk to him daily. I know what he would tell me and I need to tell him how much I love and miss him. It fulfills something and I will continue as long as it gives me some peace.