Creating your profile...

Discussion in 'Grief in Common Updates, Questions & Answers' started by griefic, Nov 12, 2016.

  1. griefic

    griefic Administrator Staff Member

    While everyone comes here because they've sustained a loss, we know that you are more than just the sum of your grief. That's why we ask you about your interests, as a way to help others get to know you a little bit better. Many people reply, "nothing right now", which is understood and even to be expected.
    Perhaps this field can be used to express who we were "before"...what our interests used to be, what we may hope to get back to, or if we're able, to think about what we may want for ourselves in the future.
    As this field is used as a search criteria, it would be helpful to include a few one word answers in your reply, like "reading", "photography", "grandchildren", "cars".....
    This way when someone is searching based on similar interests they can find you more easily.
    Hope this tip is a help as you navigate the site and make connections with your fellow grievers.
  2. Janice

    Janice New Member

    I'm having trouble connecting with anyone. I tried to start a new conversation, but it said I had to put in at least one participant and I don't know any yet as I just started. How do I get involved on this site? Janice
  3. griefic

    griefic Administrator Staff Member

    Hi Janice - thank you so much for being here! I appreciate the opportunity to answer your question. The forums are a good place to find someone you want to connect with. Looking for the category that you think best fits your situation, reading the threads of who is participating, and then clicking on an individuals name to reach out to. The other option is for you to post in a forum, telling your story, and letting people know that you'd like to connect and asking them to start a conversation with you. Finally you, can go to "Make a Connection" and then "Find Others Who Are Grieving". You can use the search criteria that is important to you (location, who you lost, circumstances of loss, etc). The only suggestion I'd make is not to be too specific as it can narrow your field too much. If you'd like to search for people by interest, like "reading" for example, you can simply put that in your search as well.
    I hope that is a help, and I wish you all the best. If you have any further questions, please let us know. Take care and thanks again for being here~