Books about grief

Discussion in 'Grief in Common Updates, Questions & Answers' started by Laura93, Apr 29, 2018.

  1. Laura93

    Laura93 Member

    Hello, I am a widowed new mom from Latvia. I lost my husband 45 days ago. I have a baby boy (10 months old). My hubby died of sleep apnea, his heart stopped while taking a nap with our baby. He was a pastor. Now I am trying to cope with the new situation and it's terribly difficult. I would prefer Christian literature but any book would be fine. We don't have much in Latvian. Waiting for any suggestions.
  2. Claire Dean

    Claire Dean New Member

    The Year of Magical Thinking by Joan Didion
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  3. Laura93

    Laura93 Member

    Thanks ;)
  4. Sara K Hatch

    Sara K Hatch Well-Known Member

    Hello dear laura,
    I wonder if there are grief support groups in Latvia. Do you have help with the baby? Are you near family? Is there a good friend that you can talk to? All these things would be helpful if they are available. Please take care of you so that you can care for the dear baby you have. I am so sorry that you have lost your husband. How old was he?
  5. Laura93

    Laura93 Member

    He was 32 years old. I am living with my parents now. They are a great help with the baby. There are
    He was 32 years old. After his death me and my baby we moved to live with my parents. They are a big help with the baby and everything. We do not have any support groups here in Latvia. But I am planning to start a Christian grief support program when I will be ready.
  6. Laura93

    Laura93 Member

    It's called GriefShare. You can look it up. Maybe that can help you too.
  7. Sara K Hatch

    Sara K Hatch Well-Known Member

    Dear Laura,
    Thank God you have your parents. I am sure you feel blessed for their help. That is a very good idea, I think, for you to start your own grief support group. In fact I was thinking of doing the same thing here. I know that your heart is grieving for your husband and my heart is with you during this most difficult time.
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